Clubs: Palais, Genf / Bell, Basel / Casino 138, Deslberg / Coupole, Biel/Bienne / Globull, Bulle / Halle Wetamix, Genf / Help, Moutier / Le Palais, Genf / Lovezoo, Neuchâtel / Lovezoo, Thun / Markthalle, Bern / New Bus, Deslberg / OHM THE CLUB Frauenfeld / Onix, Deslberg / Privilege, Biel/Bienne / Rotonde, Neuchâtel / Sas, Deslberg
Sensor, Zürich / Stufenbau, Bern / Syrup, Bern / The Box Club, Ardon VS / The Dawn, Bern / ToSee, Fribourg / Tower, Basel / Unit, Biel / Utopia, Basel / Veaudoux, Monthey / X-Club Genf/Genève / Abby, Messkirch, Germany / Cräsch, Freiburg am Breisgau, Germany / Cube, Audincourt, France / Manege, Auggen, Germany / KU, San Sebastian, Spain / Pez-Nez, Lyon, France / Universal D.O.G. Lahr, Germany / Willahof, Mulhouse, France / VILLA VENEZIA - Wettenheim, France....
White Wolf, Dietkon-Zürich
Fantasy Island
Odyssey 3, Roggwil
Golden Girl Inka Imperio, Bea Expo, Bern
Xemple, St-Jakob Halle, Basel
Fusion, Genf
Ibiza feeling, Genf
Super Girl, Genf
Highway 3, Genf
Goliath 7, Roggwil
Highway 4, Genf
7 birthdays White Wolf, Dietkon-Zürich
SixMyx 2, Moiry VD
The Label of Univers 3, Dietikon-Zürich
Sweet Angel, Dietikon-Zürich
Stargate 6, Dietikon-Zürich
REMIND - Dietikon-Zürich
IRON PLANET - Dietikon-Zürich
THE LABEL OF UNIVERS - Dietikon-Zürich
LOVE ISLAND 2002 - Genf/Genève
Big Bang 10 Lahr/Deutschland
Radio ECN (Skyline) Mulhouse
Radio One FM Genf
Radio Rhône Wallis
Radio Streetparade.