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Magazine Techno News Defected music video for Chocolate Puma & Hardsoul

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Die Nachricht :

Defected music video for Chocolate Puma & Hardsoul

In Kürze: The video was shot in Amsterdam and features the artists storming and converting the world famous Grasshopper Bar into a full-blown Graphic equalizer!- no honestly. The video is accompanied by the Dut.

Vollständig: The video was shot in Amsterdam and features the artists storming and converting the world famous Grasshopper Bar into a full-blown Graphic equalizer!- no honestly.

The video is accompanied by the Dutch DJ’s/Producers recent collaboration ‘R2G2’ which appears on the Defected In The House Amsterdam 09 compilation.

Here is the embed code to the video entitled ‘Defected gets equal with Amsterdam!!’

Dieser Nachricht wurde am 24.10.2009 durch sven publiziert.

Die Links dazu :

Defected in the House - Amsterdam 2009