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Magazine Techno News Nushock Music

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Die Nachricht :

Nushock Music

In Kürze: In this autumn 2009/20010, NUSHOCK MUSIC is pleased to announce the creation of 4 new stores: ''NUSHOCK MUSIC'' / The Label ''V.MUSIC'' / Sound Design with the JINGLES-SFX / and the new label 100 % E.

Vollständig: In this autumn 2009/20010, NUSHOCK MUSIC is pleased to announce the creation of 4 new stores: ''NUSHOCK MUSIC'' / The label ''V.MUSIC'' / Sound Design with the JINGLES-SFX / and the new label 100 % Electro House ''ELECTRO.V'' - The stores will be operational in early November.

You can register for free download each week, the 10 international DJS SETS by clicking the round button.

NUSHOCK MUSIC is also testing Music Applications for DAW (in French only) to keep abreast of technological advances for the DAW, PC or MAC.

You are more than 3,000 registered on NUSHOCK MUSIC, with an average of 70,000 hits per month and over 400,000 page views.

Thanks all.

Dieser Nachricht wurde am 11.10.2009 durch sven publiziert.

Die Links dazu :

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