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Magazine Techno News Anthony Pappa: on Renaissance

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Die Nachricht :

Anthony Pappa: on Renaissance

In Kürze: The relationship between Pappa and Renaissance has spanned two decades and taking a break from his busy diary.

Vollständig: Renaissance Presents Anthony Pappa :: CD mix & DVD The relationship between Pappa and Renaissance has spanned two decades and taking a break from his busy diary, this new year´s eve and in a very special scenario Pappa will mix "Renaissance Presents.... Anthony Pappa".

Released in the New Year, Pappa will be working closely with the good people at Pioneer to create a two-disc 'live' mix. Using the very latest equipment, Pappa will record his mix 'on the fly' - meaning the project will showcase his undoubted djing pedigree in it's true light and allow everyone to see a "master of his craft" at work.

But the surprises don't stop there; as this much-anticipated release will be included on a DVD, along with a host of additional, bonus features. These DVDs will be given away to those attending album tour parties around the world!

Renaissance Presents Anthony Pappa will be released in early 2012

For updates and further details visit: .

Dieser Nachricht wurde am 27.11.2011 durch sven publiziert.

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Anthony Pappa